Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thank you!

I will keep saying thank you to many people for many things for as long as I live. But today a special thank you to my cousin who helped me come up with this idea....

An Internal Cochlear Implant Brooch / Pin...ta da.
It's a little bit funky and different, educational too! (just study the picture!)

And most importantly it will bring us closer to the ACTUAL cochlear implant.
So pick up yours today. Click on the picture to take you to the store. My personal favorite is wearing it on your hat!

Take a look =)
And the actual implant from {}

More to come!

Thursday, December 8, 2011


I recently chatted with a friend who said if I needed a sounding board for other fundraising ideas to give him a call. I fully intend to take him up on that offer...however....I have no ideas to bring to the table.

I realize that I have met many people who are fundraisers without knowing they HAVE that experience!

So I am asking for your help. If you have any ideas for fundraising please give me a call, send me an email. I love discussing ideas and I love a good challenge =).

I have searched and searched but can not find any specific fundraising sources for a cochlear implant that Chris can apply for. While I think it's great that he is a father of 3, husband, and a 31 year old, it's not a target area for fundraising.

With that being said we are at peace with patiently waiting and saving. The Etsy store has allowed us to meet people who are going through similar circumstances and offer us words of support.

Good things come from waiting also and great appreciation of what you are waiting for is one of those things. We are also greatly appreciative of everyone who has supported us in prayer, words, and financially.

More to come!
Thanks for listening!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Crochet Princess Crown

I have a hard time sticking to traditional colors. And I didn't have enough yellow when I decided to make this crown. And there was a certain person jumping up and down on my shoulder "Oh mommy make that, make that, please, please" when I was looking for pictures.

I first found an all around traditional beanie pattern and looked at lots of pics before deciding what kind of "crown" I was going to build on it.

Yes I realize I need to eventually make SOMETHING for a boy.....but I have two very vocal girls who keep giving me all their color choices. D. will just have to jump right in. But for now he is content when mommy or daddy just smile and talk. (and he has a face I can't refuse =)

Click on the pics to take you to the etsy store =)
Which picture do you think should be the etsy store pic?
More to come!