Friday, May 17, 2013

Waiting to Hear

I haven't blogged in so long because there hasn't been any news...... : (
Still waiting to hear about the pre-certification for the cochlear implant.  It has been a much more trying time this go round than two years ago.  I'm trying to understand why except to say we will appreciate it all the more when it does happen.  More on that after the cochlear.  For those of you who have gone down this road of getting a cochlear and have been older what were your expectations?  Those expectations of your doctor?

I'm trying to deep clean the house in the midst of waiting.  I seem to remember my college professor quoting someone as saying "each possession you own takes a portion of your time", I want my time back so I'm getting rid of stuff we don't use.  I'm also bugging the surgery coordinator for updates mostly because I'm getting conflicting reports from both her and the insurance company.  Who is dropping the ball on
pre-certification?  I have no idea.  Doctor says they have sent all the paperwork, insurance company says they don't have all the paperwork.  Surgery coordinator says she has talked to the insurance company and they tell her they have everything but I hear the opposite.  I find it ironic that my husband would like to be able to hear to communicate better and we can't seem to communicate clearly ourselves.

In the mean time....we keep drinking coffee, taking walks, watching geese grow up.  I've been gardening in buckets!  Oh how I love bucket gardening.  So does Chris because that means I leave his yard alone.  My dad found $4.00 buckets at Walmart in green.  They are nothing short of awesome, thank you Dad.  I'm only growing tomatoes and beans this year so succotash everyone, my treat!

Every night when there is crying and whining before bed Chris tells me how he can't wait to understand that look of frustration on my face when they. won't. stop. talking.  Maybe we will understand each other's frustrations a little bit better as parents.  He is mostly patient but every other week or so I see him get a look on his face that say's "I'm through waiting."  I'm waiting for him to hear himself talk, take him to a concert maybe, let him hear the kids and our cat.  I'm sure we will still sign.  After all I have things to tell him about my day, our kids, and those parent only conversations that I have been saying in sign so long.  Like "Hurry up I want to eat the ice cream we've been hiding from the kids."  You just can't whisper that children have radar ears for words like 'ice cream.'

But I will be grateful for his deafness too because we have always been so acutely aware of our communication.  Especially when we don't.  For each of you who have been married I always say those little old women should have warned me instead of those notes like "Don't go to bed angry....forget that....if we try and communicate anymore the house will explode."  But I saw a pinterest quote that said "I don't want a perfect marriage, I want a worth it marriage."  Yeah he's worth it. Definitely.
One of my many moments on the phone between insurance company, doctors office, and getting someone some milk.
Off we go!
Don't forget to bring them treats! They are the celebrities of the lake!

Did I also mention we've been playing with the split-pic app?  Hours of hilarious entertainment I'm telling you.

More to come!
Kim and Family :)

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